Original Minnesota Rock Heads (Wool Sculptures)
Original Minnesota Rock Heads I needle Felt fictional,Whimiscal Character's from wool all done by hand, 1 rock is used for the head and the wool is needled around it and I use 1 rock for the Torso/body of the Character. All of my Rock Heads have their OOAK Story to tell
Monday, April 2, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Catching up with the Needle Felted Rock Heads
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Security is back I do believe they are doing a very good job this time. Working quite hard but the head cat "Mr. Super Jack" is not really helping, sure does look like all he wants is tummy rubs! Then all of sudden I couldn't find Moe the Moose! Here he is taking it easy on the new park bench that was just cut out. Don't we all wish we could take it easy? It took a better part of an afternoon just to get a picture of the group to post on the new timeline for our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/Needle.Rocks2 The outcome turned out pretty good for now. This blog to a bit to get done, I am using a different Lap Top then what I am use too. Takes a bit for me to change! Now here is a sneak peek at what is to come. I have already given clues on my FB page, I am trying to get a few items finalized. I am getting so excited and so are the "Rock Heads". Watch for my next blog in the next couple of days. We have a lot of catching up to do! Tammy and Moe are just excited they finally get to do .................. Stay Tuned. I am glad to finally be back. Take Care and thanks again for reading. |
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year
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Grandpa Henry and his Cousin Alfred |
WOW! It's hard to believe that 2011 is already gone. The older ya get it just seems like the years fly by! This last year was very busy for my family here in Minnesota and alot of changes from being excited over the new house to as my little kids say "Mr. Mean Tornado" made a visit on July 1st and changed all of our plans for the rest of year.
That was O.K. sometimes it takes a jolt in your life to really make you think and then you get back in the saddle and push on.
I didn't have much time for blogging or the "Rock Heads" this past year. I think we finally have some things back to normal shhhhhhhhhhhh! lets not jinx things yet.
My "Rock Heads" had a long talk with me,about getting some Characters made. I have had a lot of inquiries on if I am selling them yet, or I have even gotten some wonderful ideas from some of you. So I am going to take the bull by the horns and plunge in. A little scary for me, but exciting. My plans are in the works so I will keep you all informed.
I also had many of you ask how the little kids are doing, thank you. They are all doing great and love my "Rock Heads", I do believe that this wonderful craft of Needle Felting has helped them too. FAS is a very diffucult disability and it never goes away, and some days are very trying for us, but with all the friends I have made through Needle Felting ,our family and our friends that I call on a regular basis or call me to check in and are always there to yell at me when needed or I can vent to Thank you.!
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Cousin Alfred and Annie It's time to get back to the fun stuff,my "Rock Heads". Wow as many of my family and friends said to me this past Holiday Season. I decided to do a Secret Santa gift Exchange with the Workshop that I belong to. www.Theneedlefeltersworkshop.com that was started by Kay Petal and her husband,what a wonderful place on the net. When I told my husband I had signed up for it, he just smiled and said you have to ship a "Rock Head" out for EVER! Heck I knew that, the very first Rock Head to leave home for real! Do you know how hard it is to part with a Character you made! Oh I was excited but then it was oh crap is the person that receives this Rock going to like it. So the kids and I decided that it would be cool if a cousin left home. So Cousin Alfred was born, he ended up in New York a place I have never been. The family that received Cousin Alfred love him, and he couldn't be happier, by the picture I have seen he is smiling. Well shipping him out was pretty easy, I did hire part of my summer Security team back, she did a pretty good job of it. She even stayed awake this time. As you can see Cousin Alfred watched over all he could. Security did scare him a bit,he had heard some pretty hairy stories from some of the Rock Heads. Gotta say She did a good job his time. |
But before he left all the "Rock Heads" had a party for him and they also wanted to wish him well,in his new adventure. Even my good friends from Germany came out to see him off. (They don't like their picture to be taken so all my little gnomes are on the Christmas house,look hard and you can see a few). Those little guys (gnomes) really didn't think I had it me to send one off. Just to make them feel at home Cousin Alfred did spend a little bit of time at the Brewery, little does he know my 3 little children were told it was a Root Beer Brewery. Hey they believe anything I tell them. Before Christmas I told the children that Toys 'R" Us closes to all children,hey they believed it.
Fred and Louise did tell Cusin Alfred if he is ever back this way, to stop in and they would fix him a Martini. Fred is just hoping for a few good fishing stories. I am sure as the Rock Heads go they will some how stay in contact.
So that was Cousin Alfred's stay with us, he was quite busy while he was here, hopefully he was able to get some rest at his new home,before starting the New Year.
I received the most cutest and wonderful little Gingerbread lady in the mail from an artist that lives in Alabama. We all named her "Miss Ginger" Well Louise tried to make her a welcoming Martini but "Miss Ginger let her know all she drinks is milk.

I hope you all had a great Holiday Season and have a wonderful,prosperous, and healthy New Year. Take Care and please do let me know what you think about my "Rock Heads".
Until Next Time ..........................
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Grandpa Ernie
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Grandpa Ernie Ok now Grandpa Ernie has gotten your attention, or you are all thinking what in the poo............. am I doing now! I belong to this really Cool Workshop on line, www.theneedlefeltersworkshop.com and Kay Petal the owner has these challenges for her members, so much fun, you can learn needle felting from her and get advice from and support from all her members. If you ever wanted to learn this craft of Needle Felting this is where you belong! So please make sure you check it out or go to Facebook and look up The needle Felters Workshop page. Ok back to Grandpa Ernie, the Challenge was to make a head and put it in a jar. Basically the idea came from the adult Cartoon "Futurama". Well I never had seen this Cartoon before, so I watched it one night and decided this would be a fun Challenge. After "Mr. Mean Tornado" had come and gone, we were cleaning out what used to be where the shop was that I had all my Ceramic supplies in and I came across some water globes I had purchased years ago, now some were in tact just scattered and of course some were shattered. The light bulb lit up in my head, hey better than a jar I will put my head in a water globe. Grandpa Ernie is Needle felted on 2 rocks. One for his head and 1 for the bust. Did you notice his eyes well they are 2 LED lights. Hey he is preserved so don't think maybe his eyes may glow by now! I did his head in a Grey wool or its called Fun Felt and I purchased that from www.needlefeltingsupplies.com ( Kay Petal and Patti from Dream Felt own it,great wool. ) Grandpa has been perserved so he is a little on the pale side. But he sure does have a nice smile. As the story is told by Uncle Henry it all started on one long and hot Summer day,back in 1940 down by the old rock creek,where the fishin was always good and the water ran fast. Grandpa Ernie was always down at the creek so no one thought anything about it when he didn't return for a few days. The town just thought he must of snagged himself a big one or just plain ran off with the sexy old bar maid that worked at the local saloon in town. Back in them days it was named The Flying Rock. So for years and years that was the story. UNTIL........................ Just the other day Uncle Henry was getting ready to go on his annual fishing trip with all his friends and there on the porch was Grandpa Ernie whistling a tune! It was a little foggy out so Henry did take a double take, it wasn't so weird for him to see just a head as lot of his friends are just Rock Heads, but it sure was different to see one in a jar with glowing eyes. |
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Grandpa and Henry |
Grandpa let Henry know that back on that day he had just sat down on his favorite rock cracked open a beer and Boom!!!!!!!!! All he remembers is a big green light. But look at Henry he doesn't care he is smiling ear to ear, Grandpa is back now he can learn all those cool fishing tricks and just maybe he might finally catch a fish! Henry just couldn't keep this a secret and he knew no one would believe him, that his grandpa lived in a jar.
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Fred,Grandpa and Harvey |
Well Look at Fred he thinks this is so cool another Rock head to tell his fishing stories too,but I don't think Grandpa is going to listen for long,once Tammy stops over!.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Max and his very Interesting Family Story
WOW! I looked at when I posted Tammy Tulip's blog, and that was at the end of April of this year. Boy does time fly by. I have been so busy, we first of all spent pretty much all the month of May with Dr. appt.'s with the kids and then we had Pre-School graduation! and school was out. We have been working on our new house pretty much non stop. We have gotten some landscaping done, but boy oh boy the humidity is back! If you don't know Minnesota is pretty famous for HUMIDITY! I do believe as we age it gets harder to stay outside during the day.
I finally after so long I finished my Needle felted Rock Head that lives in a Tree.
Max is an old man that lives in a tree on his lake, he loves to tell fishing stories, while all his friends gather around to fish or just relax.
All of his buddies sure did enjoy themselves that day. A couple of evenings later Tommy Twister of the Rockin Rock Tornados stopped by with Tammy Tulip and they all sat around and sang songs.
I finally after so long I finished my Needle felted Rock Head that lives in a Tree.
Max is an old man that lives in a tree on his lake, he loves to tell fishing stories, while all his friends gather around to fish or just relax.
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Clarence the Moose, Henry and Max all spending a relaxing day at the lake |
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Tammy Tulip, Tommy Twister and Max I had so much fun and laughs making Max,here is a pic of him by himself |
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Making of Tommy Twister
I wasn't able to finish this blog, a couple of weeks ago. We have been so busy. So I am going to start with Tommy.
Tommy Twister
Making of a "Rockin Rock Star"
Well, Tommy has been on the back burner for a long time now. Back last year when I started all this Rock Needle felting,I started to keep a notebook of all my ideas and names to use. Then towns, started popping up(or should I say in my head)! So I have everything written in this notebook, on napkins and on the back of envelopes. Well, a Facebook friend, said I should do a Rock Star,this was last summer. I thought cool, well never did do him.
Then I started the Rock People with Henry, and I thought very fitting for my Rock Star to be a full Rock person.
Now Like I said before he is shy- shhhhhhh about his rocks, but in dim light I got a picture of him all together and he has his guitar pinned to his body.
These are the rocks I used in the making of Tommy. 1 for his body,1 for the head the 2 are the bottom of his feet and the last one is his guitar.
Here is Tommy staring up at his chest and thinking WOW! I have a little muscle there. I don't finish the face until I get the body done. I am constantly playing with the size. You know 2 head size for this an that or 1 1/2 head size. So I use my head for measuring. They never seem to mind, there is always a smile on their face! Now I can't say I get the size right, but I am trying.
I should have showed you all this one first, Look Tommy is so happy with his rock chest!
I should have showed you all this one first, Look Tommy is so happy with his rock chest!
He was so much fun to make. The laughs I got from family and friends. But the truth be told, everyone already thinks I am crazy!
Here is Tommy one more time competely done with his guitar. Now a little bit about the guitar. I used that flat rock in the body of it and then just needle felted the rest of it. I used Jewelry wire for the strings. and a very small crushed rock for his pick.
Thanks again for looking. Tommy will keep rocking on. He is looking forward to having another concert someday, before he goes on an adventure. Remember my Security, well lets just hope they do better.
Take Care, Until next time
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