Well, I am itching to get back to Needle Felting. From painting to moving furniture to finally having our Family Christmas this past weekend, I am ready and have alot of new stories! I just need to start getting busy on my "Rock Heads". My Son got me this really neat pocket size hand held little recorder, so now when ever I get a "Zap" or a light bulb goes off with a new story, I can just record it. You just wouldn't believe how many notebook's, loose papers and even a Fed Ex envelope, I have written ideas on. So this will be fun. So here is a couple of pic's of part of my new room.
My Wool Here is the back wall or part of it. I keep my colorful wool, I use in old pop crates that my hubby has hung on the wall for me. It is so easy to see what I have and I can just pull the amount I want off at a time. I have 4 pop crates right now, hope to find more later on. Look how brite my new room is, even on the gloomy MN days in winter it is still a nice bright room with the window.
MY Desk
Here is my work desk a little messed up, still trying to get it just right, but Barbie Mason really wants to get done, She is part owner Of the Country Home Planner's.
Well my big secret here is that, my room is called Mom's Q Room! If you walk into this room, your lips are zipped shut! My little guys get a real kick out of this right now. So they ask me to come here, (where they are, standing in my bedroom). I told them Mom needs some Quiet time and so their Dad will tell tell them to, mom needs quiet time. I do love my room and it is coming together. People just laugh and can't believe we have a whole another room, and just love the built in desk.
So back to Needle felting this week. I am excited. Everyone take care and will talk to you all soon. Pam |
What a great room! I love that you have this wonderful talent to focus on...I know that life can be pretty challenging with all that you have on your plate. Enjoy that room and have fun creating your characters!
Thank you Kari,miss you and hope to see you soon! Weather permitting. Stay Warm Pam
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