Sunday, September 26, 2010

More on Benny and Mandy's Weekend

Visit my Facebook Link to see the first of Benny and Mandy's Weekend.  They came to Visit Amanda for her Birthday and decided to stay the night.  So they toured around the farm before taking off for home this afternoon.  The kids and I had alot of fun, going around and taking pictures today of the 2 of them. My little guy got mad once today and Benny started telling him all about his motorcycle adventures and boom!  he was all done screaming and I was watching him laugh.  You see our little man that we adopted is 6 years old, was diagnosed with FAS(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome).  So he can be a challenge some days, but since I have started my people, they seem to hit a cord with him and his sisters, but mostly him.  I will tell him they are smiling at him, want to give him a kiss or a rock hug.  He just can't keep from laughing.  He loves to have me make up a story about them and he listens.  He also fills in some of my blanks for me.  So I hope you enjoy my stories and if you know of anyone that might need a pick me up, have them come read my blog and see for yourself.  One thing you will always find here is everyone is SMILING!

WOW!  They got to climb up a Windmill, Mandy said the view was beautiful

Mandy and Benny Enjoying a nice fall day at the farm

                        They were able to take a hay ride around the property

Annie made them feel right at home, what a good old dog

The resident cat "Jack" even took time to visit with them

They even got to help feed the 1 of the Ducks "Matilda"

"Matilda" Just loved Mandy

Waving Bye until next their next visit

Leaving for  home "Stone Valley" MN

Mandy and Benny really enjoyed their time in Ruthton MN.  He sure was glad he reconnected with a good old friend, and got a nice tour around the farm.  I am sure Benny will be sharing his stories will all of you soon from Amanda's dad and brother in law.  Mandy is just so excited to get back to her shop and start getting all the info to Amy for the up coming open house at the Beauty Salon "Diamond in the Rough".    Until next time.......................................................

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